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U.S. Flag 2020 |Painting, 2020, Watercolors, Gouache, Newsprint, graphite on Oleo paper, 22" x 29.75", ©Julie Castillo 2024.

"U.S. Flag 2020", represents the times we were in along with the open wounds of racism.  We all love America, love our lives and our freedom.  Together we are always strong, divided we are weak.  Sharing this world and understanding your fellow human is a positive action.   Fearing one another amounts to nothing.  We are country of many colors, yet we are all the same.  The American flag speaks volumes to the world.  Seeing the colors of our flag, I think of the unity of our nation, the foundation of our constitution and the freedom it represents.  Freedom for all!  Our flag is worn, torn and tattered today, our nation will move forward with hope and a growing respect all colors of our nation.

The single, large and many textured star represents a uniting of states.  The background is meant to look like American made jean material.   The stripes are worn, sewn and mended.  The words along the outside speak of the turmoil of the year 2020. 

U.S. Flag 2020|Painting

SKU: U.S. Flag, All Lives Matter 2020
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  • Archival framing advised.


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