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"Studio 54 Orchestra", New York, NY, Painting, 2017, Oils on Oleo paper, 16"x 12.125", ©Julie Castillo 2024.

Experience the electric energy of Studio 54 with this stunning painting titled, "Studio 54 Orchestra" in New York City. The artist was inspired by the iconic nightclubs' history and the lively moments that took place within it. The painting vividly captures the lighting on the orchestra and the people, transporting you to a true New York minute. The former nightclub is now home to the Roundabout Theatre, but the painting allows your imagination to run free to the sounds of the legendary music. Don't miss out on owning this piece of history.

Studio 54 Orchestra, New York, NY|Painting

SKU: Studio 54 Orchestra/Painting
Excluding Sales Tax
  • Archival framing advised.


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