When creating a painting, uncover the crucial role of a drawing/sketch in painting, pivotal to the execution of a well developed painting. Of course, this goes without also saying, "the creative idea is of great importance". I am sure you have viewed many a painting but really couldn't figure out what it was that seemed off. Design is another element that is a must before beginning a painting. Making a sketch in your sketchbook is an easier way to figure out where you

want the painting to go. Sometimes a colored sketch can be helpful. It can be very frustrating once you have gotten far into a painting and realize that maybe it could have been thought out better. Often this is a painting that you probably will never finish. A pencil sketch is the best way to avoid this. It also helps with the view point...where do you want the viewers eye to go? Correct elevation and perspective are of great importance in convincing the viewer. https://www.juliecastillofineart.com/
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